From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Choosing your essential gear

Choosing your essential gear

Here we're going to continue our conversation about gear. What do we want to think about, when it comes to certain lenes, or cameras, and how can that help us actualize or make our vision come to life? Well for starters, you can see that I have some gear sitting on this table. In a sense this gears a little bit representational, in different ways that we can shoot. And I want to talk about that a little bit. When I'm capturing a portrait of a bride I want to consider the day. For this particular shoot that we have ahead of us, I had more time, we sort of stretched time out, and I used a lot different camera and lens combinations. And I did that because I wanted to, to kind of have different touch points, in order to talk about different things we might think about. So for starters, one of the things that I wanted to do was to use an 85 millimeter focal length lens, because remember back to my vision, I want to create photographs that are meaningful, that are artistic, that are…
