From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Considering other gear

Considering other gear

Now that we've talked a little bit about vision and some specifics about gear, what I want to do in this movie is just go over some things to think about just before the shooting begins. Because your getting ready for a wedding you need to think about what are you going to wear. If the wedding or the shoot is a bit more formal, well then dress accordingly. You also want to think about your shoes, you want to wear something that's comfortable because you are going to be in those shoes all day long. You also need some sort of a camera bag. I like to have a camera bag that I'm not really worried about, in other words it's okay if it gets dirty. You can put your camera gear in it, tuck it out of the way so that all your gear is safe. Then, of course you want to double check your camera. Double check your settings, also things like your camera strap, because if your camera strap is ever to fail, well, it's going to fail at a wedding. So just make sure it's on there tight and that that's…
