From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Reviewing images from the beginning of the shoot

Reviewing images from the beginning of the shoot

From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

Reviewing images from the beginning of the shoot

In the next couple of movies, we're going to take a look at a few slide shows and really focus in on the keepers. And this is something that we might do if we're at a workshop. We might have a slide show time where we clip through some images and talk about those photographs that worked well. Let's do that here let's start right at the beginning this was one of the photographs that I capture of Kara right at the beginning as she was getting her makeup done I like this image I think it has nice personality and this next one I like even more its a bit more of a quiet portrait and as you start capturing pictures of someone what your really doing is trying to get to know them photographically. Here I'm noticing her beautiful blue eyes, her hair color, I like the detail in the hair. And then next, you're starting to create unique or interesting photographs. Like with this one, what I like about it is it sets the scene. That beautiful fireplace, those wonderful candelabras, I love that. Of…
