From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Making selects: A few words of advice

Making selects: A few words of advice

Now that we've taken some time to look at and review some of the photographs that I captured, what I want to do here is provide you with some tips and some advice for finding keepers when you're photographing at a wedding. In particular, when you're trying to capture an interesting picture of a bride. Now, one of the things you have to keep in mind is this, when you get back to your photographs, it will always be a little bit disappointing. It's always different than your experience. You also have to keep this in mind, it doesn't matter how good of a photographer you are, you will always capture images which don't work. That's okay. Push beyond that. What I like to do is I like to bring out my goals. What are my goals or what were my goals for the shoot? I want to capture images that are meaningful, authentic, luminous, crafted, beautiful, artistic or whatever it is. And then, start to review the pictures. Rather than, reviewing them blindly, reviewing with my vision in mind. The next…
