From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Using the bouquet in the shoot

Using the bouquet in the shoot

We're going to continue our conversation about how we can direct and work with a bride in order to create natural, authentic and beautiful photographs. And what I want to focus in on here is how we can work with the hands and the arms. You know, a lotta times when we capture someone's photograph, they don't know what to do with their hands. You say well, just put your hands in a natural position, and then all of the sudden, you don't really know what natural is. Yet one of the things that you can do with a bride, is integrate the bouquet into the shots. If someone's looking a little bit awkward with their hands give them a bouquet and the problem is solved. And obviously it's an important part of the day, and you want to capture that, the beauty of the bouquet. There are many ways that you can get creative with this. You can have the bride hold the bouquet in front of her and have the bouquet in focus and the bride out of focus. You can also change up your composition, or have her…
