From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Reviewing the film images

Reviewing the film images

In the first installment in this series writing photography for everyone fundamentals, we talked a little bit about how we could use gear in different ways. How there's standard gear, and then there also are some special considerations, we might use a unique lens, or maybe A film camera. And in wedding photography, it's very common that people will shoot with film because it helps to create a different mood or feeling. As a photographer, may be an interesting way to experiment with doing something a little bit different. and so that's what I did here on our shoot. I want to talk a little bit about some of those photographs that I captured. First though, one of the reasons why I like to shoot with film, is because it just looks different when you hold up a different camera to your eye. And sometimes by focusing different, or by having to wind the film, it can slow you down or connect you with overall process. So here then. Let's look at a few photographs. This first picture is a bit of…
