From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Looking at the dress and veil options

Looking at the dress and veil options

This chapter has been all about moving beyond the basics. And here in this movie, I want to focus in on another way that we can do that. In particular, how we can add variety when it comes to wardrobe and dress. Now in our shoot, we've done a lot of different things. We've had different headpieces and even different dresses. Now at a real wedding, you won't have that much variety, but there will be some natural variety, and you want to ask yourself, how can I capture this? In other words, perhaps there'll be a veil. You want to capture a portrait of the bride with a veil in front of her face and then perhaps also folded back. Or maybe the bride has a shawl and she's wearing that to keep warm, and maybe the shawl is really beautiful and elegant. Well of course, capture one image with it and then one image without it. Again, variety is really important, and then there is the wedding dress, the wedding dress and the train. You could capture a picture with the train y'know those elegant…
