From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Crafting a vision

Crafting a vision

Alright, well after you've taken some time to sketch out some ideas in regards to the art and craft of bridal portraiture and regards to the type of photographs that you want to capture, a next good step is to clarify your vision and your goal. What is it that you really want to capture? Put it in one place so that. You can refer back to this right before the shoot, and then capture those type of images. Now, you'll have a very unique or distinct goal or vision, one that's different than mine. And I want to share with you what mine is, and then talk about some other options as well. So in my case, one of the things that I want to do is create photographs that are meaningful. That's really important. I also want to have pictures which are authentic, or genuine. Another important point for me is to have photographs which are luminous, to use one of my, friends words. That, that's a sense that photograph kind of glows, it captures the warmth of, that day and that person. I also want to…
