From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Reviewing images from the middle of the shoot

Reviewing images from the middle of the shoot

From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

Reviewing images from the middle of the shoot

Alright well let's take a look at another slide show of images as we continue our focus in on reviewing the keepers. I want to start off with this picture here. One of the reasons why I think this one works is because of the leading lines which all sort of point towards Cara. And I love her presence and her eye contact. Now for me in portraiture, it's often about that connection and trying to ask yourself, does the image have some sort of a feeling or emotion to it. I think that this one does. So as you start to review your own pictures, you want to ask yourself, well, how does this work? Does this one work for me? Not does it work for others or will other people like it. That's important, but more does it work for you. Again this is one of those, and then we have a few of these shots where I integrated this prop into it. Again, just having some fun with that space and also this prop. There are some other props to work with too, which I thought were fun, or, old vintage suitcase with…
