From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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The art and craft of bridal portraiture

The art and craft of bridal portraiture

From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

The art and craft of bridal portraiture

In this movie we're going to talk about the art and craft of bridal portraiture. And we're going to do that because I think it's important to step back before we actually make pictures, and ask ourself, what kind of photographs do we want to capture and create? And this is especially important with bridal portraiture, and here's why. Typically for most of us we have all of these images in our mind. All of these photographs that we've seen. Some are good, some not so good. In a sense what we need to do though is let go of those and then ask ourselves well, what is it that I want to capture and create. And in order to come up with those ideas, it may be helpful to pull out a journal or a piece of paper. And to sketch out some ideas, like I've done here. Now, when you sketch out your ideas, they don't need to look to pretty, but the ideas, they're really important. So in my case, I started off just writing the art and craft of, of bridal photography. And what is that? What do I want to…
