From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Evaluating the gear: Is it good enough?

Evaluating the gear: Is it good enough?

From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

Evaluating the gear: Is it good enough?

One of my good friends, David (UNKNOWN) who is an excellent photographer and educator has sort of popularized this saying, and here it is. Gear is good, but vision is better. And I think it's true, and that's why we spent all this time working on our vision. What type of photographer do we want to be, what type of images do we want to capture, but now we are going to shift our focus towards gear. One of the things to keep in mind with gear is that, in this day and age, almost any camera can be used. And what I mean by that is that a camera phone, or a pocket camera, or an entry level camera. Well, all of those work. They're all winning contests. They're all creative photographs that are hanging in museums. And so, as you think about your gear, just keep that in mind. Also keep in mind this. Who you are really, really matters. I mean, gear's important, but again it's the who that perhaps matters even more. And as I was thinking about that I came across a couple of quotes that I wrote…
