From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Scouting the location

Scouting the location

All right. Well here we are at our location for our photo shoot today. And whenever you arrive at a location, you always want to walk around and scout it out. You want to think about the light. Think about different areas where you can capture images. Now I like to do this with camera in hand. So I'm not just paying attention to the lights and the colors, but I can also kind of start to see it how the camera sees it. Now, sometimes, when you're photographing a wedding, you may have the luxury of going to the location a week or two weeks beforehand. And just walking around. Other times, you don't have that luxury. So, what do you do? What you do is you just go for a walk with camera in hand, and start paying attention to the details. Like, right here, we're in this hallway. It's all covered and so we have this beautiful open shade. I also noticed there's this huge area of this this patio and it's all kind of a golden color. That's going to bounce light back into this, this location. So…
