From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Working with an assistant

Working with an assistant

Well, so far in this chapter we have asked ourselves what type of photographs do we want to capture. We formalized our vision and our goals. So, we've talked a little bit about gear. Now, at the end of the chapter, I want to focus in on the importance of working with a photographic assistant. Now, I've mention this in the previous installment of this series, Wedding Photography For Everyone and I want to revisit the point because it's really essential. Now, in that course, I mentioned that, that capturing images without an assistant, at an important event like a wedding, is like painting a house without a ladder. Now it's possible. It can be done. But it's just so much more difficult to do. And so, what you want to do is bring along someone who can help you out, help you out with carrying all of the gear. When it comes to finding an assistant you don't have to hire a professional. Jose Villa, one of the world's best wedding photographers, well his main assistant is his sister. You can…
