From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Query a list of database objects

Query a list of database objects

- The MSysObjects system table presents us with an opportunity to get a dynamic listing of all of the objects within our database. By making use of some creative query criteria and the TypeField that we explored in the last movie, we can use this normally hidden table to help end users navigate the database. Right now, on the Main Menu, I have two buttons that open up the two reports that I have in the navigation pane. The problem with this arrangement is that, if I add another report into the database, I'll also have to come back to the Main Menu and add in a third button to open up that new report. I can streamline this process by converting this into combo box that'll display a list of all of the available reports. A user would then select the report they want from the list and press a single button to open up their chosen report. To do this, I'll take my main menu into Design View. Then we can go ahead and get rid of…
