From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Link to a password-protected back end

Link to a password-protected back end

- [Instructor] In the previous movies of this chapter, we split our database into a front end and a backend, and then we assigned different passwords to each component. This creates a situation where I can give people access to the front end with its password, but keep the underlying data table secure from prying eyes and mischievous edits because it has a different password. But, now, if I try and access the tables from the front end, I'm getting this warning message that says it's not a valid password. We need to go through the process of relinking our tables with the new password to the backend database. Let's go ahead and say OK to this. Now there's two different ways that we can go about this process, depending on how many tables you have to do. Let's go to the External Data tab and take a look at that Linked Table Manager again. I'll place a check mark here, next to the file path to the backend database, and press…
