From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Explore the startup options

Explore the startup options

- [Tutor] I've gone ahead and added in additional buttons into my main menu form in order to help me navigate the database. Now I can enter in a new customer which takes me to the data entry form for that task. When I'm done working with this form, I can return back to that main menu, or I can now review a product listing takes me to this form. I'll press return to main menu, which takes me back or I can review customer orders and move right back to where I started. I also have two buttons to open up the reports. I can view the monthly revenue report. That'll open up in a new print preview tab. I'll close the print preview that takes me back to the main menu, or I can view the second report. And once again, close it to return back to where I started. So now I can move around the database without ever having to go over to the navigation pane. By default your access database is wide open for development. This makes…
