From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Package your application

Package your application

- [Narrator] When all of your development work is complete and your database has gone through some thorough beta testing, it's time to roll it out to your end users for live production use. Before you do, I would highly recommend distributing a compiled or an executable version of the database to minimize any alterations that the users may attempt to make on their own. Let's take a look at the database that I've got saved here called Red30Tech Package. I'll just double click on it to open it up. You'll see that it's the same database we've been working with. We've got the Main Menu, access to all of our ribbon tabs across the top, and the navigation pane. If I take a look at the Create tab, you'll see that we have the option to create new tables, queries, forms, and reports. I can right click on objects in the navigation pane and take them into Design View if I wanted to make edits. I also have access to the code module…
