From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Finalize the reporting tool

Finalize the reporting tool

- We've created combo boxes to collect parameters. These parameters are then fed into a query as filtering criteria. The results of the query are then passed into a report. And the report can format the final output. So our three elements, the form, query and report, are now complete. And it's time to clean everything up. I want to add in a button on the main menu that'll allow the end user to open the report, in Print Preview mode, once they've made their selections. Let's take the main menu into Design view. Then, I'll grab a button from the Controls group. And I'll scroll over here to the right, and I'll click to add a button to the form. For this we'll use the Report Operations. Preview Report, press Next. I'll choose the Sales by Region report. I'll accept the default picture icon, which is just this little report icon there, and press Next. I'll accept the default name and press Finish. Then, I want to style…
