From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Provide task-specific help dialog boxes

Provide task-specific help dialog boxes

- [Instructor] When developing a custom Access database, I like looking for inspiration in other programs and finding ideas that will enhance my database projects. If we go to the file tab and then all the way down to options. on the general page we'll find an interface element that has recently given me an idea. Here and there in the interface of Access, you'll find these little blue circle icons. When you hover your mouse over them, they give you a little popup text that gives you some additional helpful information about how to use specific features. I'd like to borrow this idea and incorporate it into the design of the Red30 Tech database. Okay, let's go ahead and press cancel, and return to the main menu. On the right hand side of this form, we've added in a number of combo boxes that will allow an end user to create a customized report. I'd like to use that information popup message as an idea for…
