From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Cascade the results

Cascade the results

- [Instructor] One of the questions that I get all of the time is how to create a combo box that only shows options based on a selection in another combo box. For instance, if I take a look at our customer data entry form, we have the two combo boxes that we just created. The first one shows a list of all of the cities that are available and the second one shows me a list of all of the available states. Now not every combination of a city and a state are valid. For instance, I wouldn't want somebody to be able to choose Los Angeles, Connecticut, for example, instead of Los Angeles, California. What we want to do, is filter the city list based on a selection made in the state combo box. This is called a cascading combo box and it's surprisingly easy to set up. Let's go ahead and take our customer data entry form into design view. Then I need to verify the names of our two combo boxes. So I'll select the CustomerCity…
