From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Build the query

Build the query

- [Instructor] The next step in setting up our customizable sales analysis report is to create a query. The query will take the inputs from these six combo boxes and use them as filtering criteria to sort out all of the records. Now, before we do that though, we need to know the name of these six combo boxes. So let's take the main menu into design view one more time. I'll click on the first combo box that represents the first year that we want to compare. And in the property sheet on the other tab, we'll find the name property. I'm going to name this one cboYear1. I'll click on the second box for our years and I'll call this cboYear2. Next, we'll name the cboMonth1 and cboMonth2 boxes. And finally cboRegion1 and cboRegion2. So, now we know the name of all six of these combo boxes and we can reference them from the query. Let's go ahead and save the design of our form. We'll switch back into form view. In order to get…
