From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Leverage split forms

Leverage split forms

- [Instructor] Many of your end users would prefer to interact with a tabular view of your data. They may be accustomed to working with spreadsheets and find that type of view to be more efficient to navigate and edit. But you, as the database developer, have an obligation to protect the data structures and the system and want to keep people out of the underlying tables as much as possible. When attempting to reconcile these opposing goals, you should consider creating split forms for your users to interact with. A split form gives you the best of both worlds and they're often an overlooked component that can add value to your database's design. Let's create a split form to display information a about Red30 Tech's employees. We'll start by going to the Create tab and I'll create a new form in Design View. Then we need to connect this form to a data source. So on the Property Sheet for the form, I'll switch to the Data tab.…
