From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Create customized front ends

Create customized front ends

- [Instructor] One of the main advantages to splitting a database is that each end user can receive a customized front end that is tailor made for the tasks that they need to accomplish. Let me show you how we can set this up. Let's suppose that we want to have our product team be able to add in new products to our database and review performance reports, but not have have access to any customer or detailed order information. We can take the primary development database that we're working with and strip out all of the components that they do not need to have access to. Doing this, we'll create a custom front end just for the products team. Let's close down the front end and we'll make a copy of the database. We'll just right click on it. Just copy and then right click and paste. Then I'll rename this duplicate copy of the front end. I'll call it Red30Tech dash products. Now we can open it up. I'll type in the…
