From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Embed queries in reports

Embed queries in reports

- [Narrator] I've returned the Red30 Tech database back to a state where the navigation pane all of the ribbon tabs, the tabs for each object as well as the right click menu are all available again. For some database applications, it simply isn't practical to completely lock the system down as we saw in the first chapter of this course. Sometimes you just need to give your end users access to the navigation pane and the other tools so that they can get their jobs done efficiently. If that's the case then it would be in your best interest to make sure that the navigation pane is as tidy as possible without any extraneous objects. We can start by making sure that we embed as many object inside of other objects as possible. For instance most of the time our reports are fed from data that's retrieved by a query. These queries often have no other purpose than to serve up records to the report. So it makes sense that we can…
