From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Build the report

Build the report

- [Instructor] At this point, we have a number of combo boxes that allow our end users to fill in some selections. Then we can use those selections as filtering criteria in a sales by region query. The final step in creating our reporting tool is to construct the actual report that will format our query results for the printed page. Now, before I do that though I want to take a look at this column over here. I left it with the default alias of EXPR1 which isn't really descriptive of what this data is. So let me go into design view real quick and I'll change this EXPR1 alias to something that's more clear. I'll call it total sales. Then I'll save the design of the query, I can run it one more time and I can see a much better result here at the very top. Okay, with that change made, we can turn our attention to setting up our report. I'll go to the create tab and in the Reports section I'll click Report Design. That…
