From the course: Access 2021: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Add edit buttons to tabular data

Add edit buttons to tabular data

- [Instructor] We just added a split form into the database to view information about employees. By viewing our tabular data through a split form, we have the opportunity to provide easy access to edit data for specific records. We can do this by building a dynamic hyperlink that's connected to each and every record of the table. Let's start by creating a very basic data entry form that we can link to. I'll go to the Create tab and we'll start our new form in Design view. First, I'll go open the Property sheet. We need to connect this form to a data source, so I'll choose the Record Source property on the Data tab and using a dropdown menu, I'll connect it to employees. Then I'll flip over to the Add Existing Fields panel and I'll select all of the fields and drag and drop them into the form's design. Next, I want these to be all the same width, so I'll go to the Arrange tab, I'll find the Size and Space options, and we'll…
