From the course: Type Tips

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Splitting and breaking stories

Splitting and breaking stories

From the course: Type Tips

Splitting and breaking stories

- [Nigel] Welcome to Type Tips, I'm Nigel French. In this episode I want to talk about text threading and how we can split a story and then put a story back together again. So here, and we need to use our imagination, I have a threaded story. Imagine that each of these frames is a separate page or a separate chapter and the story is threaded throughout. When I click on these frames I see a blue arrow in the bottom right-hand corner indicating that it is threaded. I can also, if I show my guide by pressing w, come to the View menu, and to Extras and choose Show Text Threads. And then we see the arrows indicating the direction of the text flow. Moving to the next page, there will be times when you want to break a story apart. For the most part I like to keep my text threaded as much as possible, but there are times when we need to split a story. So I'm going to select this text, and I'm going to split the story using a script, a script that comes with InDesign. Your Scripts panel is…
