From the course: Type Tips

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Applying fractions with a grep style

Applying fractions with a grep style

From the course: Type Tips

Applying fractions with a grep style

- [Nigel] Welcome to Type Tips, I'm Nigel French. In this episode, a tip for formatting fractions. Now in order for this to work, you need to be working with an OpenType Pro typeface. So the key is in the name. If it's something Pro, then it almost certainly will contain real fractions. Now some OpenType Pro typefaces are smart enough that all you need to do is this. Come to the style definition. I have the body paragraph style applied to all of this text. And I've called out the fractions in red, just so you can see them more easily. But as you can see, they're not currently formatted as real fractions. But I can now edit the paragraph style. Come to my OpenType Features and check Fractions. And I'm done. Simple as that. The typeface I'm using here is Tisa Pro. It's available on TypeKit. However, most OpenType Pro typefaces are quite easily confused by this feature. Look what happens now, when I am working with Minion Pro. I'll do the same thing. OpenType Features, check Fractions…
