From the course: Type Tips

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Using the Repeat Grid options in Illustrator

Using the Repeat Grid options in Illustrator

From the course: Type Tips

Using the Repeat Grid options in Illustrator

- [Instructor] Welcome to Type Tips. This week we're going to look at creating a radial grid repeat. This is a new feature in Illustrator. It was first introduced in the iPad version of Illustrator. So I'll select my piece of type, come to the "Object" menu, to "Repeat," and I'm going to use "Radial." Grid and mirror also definitely worth checking out. We start out with eight instances around the circle. I can change the number of instances and the size of the circle here on the tool options, but I can also just use the onboard controls. Come and click on the pin at 12 o'clock to drag in or out to change the size of the circle, and then over to the right, drag up or down to change the number of instances. In this case, I want six. I can also, if I come down to the six o'clock point on the circle, choose to not have the instances go all the way around the circle. So I'm actually going to undo that to get me back to where I…
