From the course: Type Tips

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Zero-width characters

Zero-width characters

From the course: Type Tips

Zero-width characters

- [Nigel] Welcome to Type Tips. I'm Nigel French. I'd like to show you how to create a discretionary line break so that we can type a continuous line of text and as we increase the size of that type, it does not become overset nor does it become hyphenated. This is the problem that we face. So I have my text without any word breaks in it. I want to create a type specimen sheet here. And I'm going to select it, increase its size, and it very quickly becomes overset. If I undo that, I could turn on Hyphenate, I could come and increase the size of my text frame and then the text becomes hyphenated. I don't want hyphens either. So the solution is this. In fact, there are two approaches to this problem. Let me just back up to where I was. And firstly, let's just come and change my text frame to an Auto-Size text frame. I press Command or Control+B to go to my Text Frame Options. Auto-Size, I'll turn on…
