From the course: Type Tips

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Typesetting a quote

Typesetting a quote

From the course: Type Tips

Typesetting a quote

- [Nigel French] Hi, I'm Nigel French. Welcome to Type Tips. What could be simpler than setting a single paragraph of text as a quote? In this example I want to take this insightful quote from Tom Waits and set it alone on the page. I want to keep it simple and honest, letting the words speak for themselves. My first task is to decide upon the typeface and the size. I'm going to use an American slab serif humanist typeface called Chaparral. And I'll be using Chaparral Pro Regular. So this is a contemporary font with a big nod to tradition, so it seems to go well with our author. I'm going to come and turn off hyphenation. And then increase the point size. I'm going to use the keyboard shortcut for this, Command + Shift + >. I'll zoom out to my fit in window view, Command + 0. My page size is A5, roughly equivalent to a half-letter size. I'm going to go up to 30 points. And now I want to shape the text with line…
