From the course: Type Tips

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Putting type around a figure 8 or any overlapping path

Putting type around a figure 8 or any overlapping path

From the course: Type Tips

Putting type around a figure 8 or any overlapping path

- [Nigel] Hi, I'm Nigel French. Welcome to "Type Tips." Putting text around a circle is one thing, but what about running text along the path of a figure eight or indeed any path where the segments overlap? I'm doing this in Illustrator, but you could achieve the same effect in InDesign. I'm going to move to a second art board, and here I'll start out by drawing a circle. Now let's press shift + x so that we exchange the fill and the stroke. I'll now tap my c key so that I can switch to the scissors tool and come and break the path at the bottom anchor point. I'll select it and duplicate it. And then on this one, I'll spin it through 180 degrees so the break is at the top of the circle. Now let's zoom in. I'll tap a to access my direct selection tool. And I need to separate these endpoints. So let's pull that one down, that one down a bit, and this one up. So this anchor point needs to be connected with this one.…
