From the course: Type Tips

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Vertical Type and the Touch Type tool

Vertical Type and the Touch Type tool

From the course: Type Tips

Vertical Type and the Touch Type tool

- [Nigel] Hi, I'm Nigel French, welcome to type tips. This week, vertical type combined with the touch type tool. So I have here this treatment, let's imagine this is the spine on a book jacket. And as is often the case with vertical type, you can see that the left-hand edge is shifting as I moves down the type. And that's because the letters are not the same width and they won't be, unless we choose a monospaced font, but I don't want to choose a monospaced font, I want to use the font that I have here. So to disrupt this somewhat uncomfortable jagged edge, and I'll just draw a line so you're absolutely clear what I'm talking about. You see that's the left-hand edge of the end, but then it comes in for the 'O' and obviously in a lot further for the 'I.' What I'm going to do is with the touch type tool, I'm going to rotate every other letter through 90 degrees and to rotate the selected letter you move to the top to that…
