From the course: Type Tips

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Creating a word search

Creating a word search

From the course: Type Tips

Creating a word search

- [Instructor] In this week's Type Tips we are going to have some fun with creating a word search and here's one I created earlier. I'm using for this this fantastic website called Puzzlemaker from Discovery Education. So first of all, we need to set up our InDesign document and this really does bring up some serious typographic issues in InDesign because we need to use a feature called Gridify. I'm going to show you how we can use that to thread a series of text frames together. And we're also going to look at first baseline options to determine the position of type within a frame, the vertical position. And we'll also be looking at a simple GREP find and change and then, really the punchline of this whole exercise is we're going to be using a monospaced font so that all of the letters align under each other. So let's start out with our list of words. Create a list of words around a theme in a text file and if you want phrases to appear unbroken on the same line, then remove the…
