From the course: Type Tips

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Spacing after a headline

Spacing after a headline

From the course: Type Tips

Spacing after a headline

- [Nigel French] Hi, I'm Nigel French. Welcome to Type Tips. In this week's episode, I'd like to talk about how we can control the space after our headlines. Now in this scenario, I have a two page spread and I would like my body text to begin at a specific point beneath my headline. Currently, I have a one-line headline but I want the same to be true if I have a two-line headline. And I want to be able to do this without having to resort to two variants of the headline style, with differing amounts of space after. So the solution is to set your start grid increment. And I'm working with a baseline grid here. I'll turn on my guides by pressing W. And then I'll come and turn on the baseline grid. The baseline grid is set to a half-line increment, which in this case is seven points. I need my baseline grid to begin at this point on the page that I've indicated with the guide. So I can come to my preferences, grids,…
