From the course: Type Tips

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Optical vertical centering

Optical vertical centering

From the course: Type Tips

Optical vertical centering

- [Narrator] Welcome to Type Tips, I'm Nigel French and I have a tip for you this week about vertically centering type within a frame. Now when you need to do this, you will probably find that despite coming to the object menu and text frame options and choosing center as the vertical justification option, that visually, the type looks slightly off. And, if I come to my layers panel, I have on layer two these two frames above and below the type and you can see that there is more space above than there is below. So what's all this about? Well really, it's going to vary according to the characteristics of the type that you're working with. Here, I'm working with type in all caps, but if I am working with type that's upper and lowercase, the discrepancy is even greater. That's assuming that at the top of the frame, we're measuring to the ascender height, and at the bottom of the frame, we're measuring to the bottom of the descender. If your type has no descenders, as is the case here…
