From the course: Type Tips

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Create a simple 3D type effect

Create a simple 3D type effect

From the course: Type Tips

Create a simple 3D type effect

- [Instructor] Hi, I'm Nigel French. Welcome to Type Tips. In this example, I'd like to show you how to create this simple 3D effect in Illustrator. This requires making a 3D object and then mapping the type, which are saved as symbols to it. I'm not after a photorealistic effect. For that, I would use Adobe Dimension. What I want is a result that is a play on words and presents the letters in a visually interesting and challenging way. So here are my symbols. What I've done is create a single letter and I've placed each one in a square that is the same size. And I have converted the type to outlines. That's this option right here under the type menu or Command + Shift or Control + Shift + O. Now the reason I've converted to outlines is because if we leave the type as type, its bounding box is actually bigger than the square in which it is contained and that makes it more difficult to accurately map to the 3D…
