From the course: Type Tips

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Designing with variable type

Designing with variable type

From the course: Type Tips

Designing with variable type

- [Instructor] This week's type tip is all about variable fonts, a new and exciting frontier, a new font format, open type variables. Not currently available in In Design, but available, there are a few sample or concept variable fonts in Illustrator and in Photoshop. And I'm going to show you how we can create something like this, a cosmetics label, using a single font and experimenting with different variables in terms of the width and the weight. The third variable is the slant. I'm not using that in this case. But of course, in addition to the weight and the width, I'm also experimenting with sizing as well. Let's move to my second art board here in Illustrator where I have all of the type at the same size. So the promise of variable types is rather than have to have a family of different weights and widths you can just have one font and generate all of the different weights and widths and slants from that one master. Let's open up the character panel, command or control t. The…
