From the course: Type Tips

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- Hi, I'm Nigel French. Welcome to "Type Tips". This week I'm going to be talking about catch words. Catch words are small words, typically prepositions or articles or possibly short phrases that are designed as and can be input as a single glyph. Typically, they evoke vintage advertising or typographic posters of the late 19th century. Here are some catch word fonts. All of these, with the exception of Adobe Wood Type Ornaments, are available on Adobe Fonts. You can explore the range of catch words available using the Glyphs panel, and insert the catch word simply by double clicking at the point of your cursor. Here are some additional catch words gathered as a Pinterest board. And here are some other catch word fonts available at Here's an example where I've used HWT Hamilton Wood Type catch words both to save space and add decorative flourish to a book title page. If you have a Creative Cloud…
