From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training


- [Voiceover] Hi, I'm Bonnie Biafore. Welcome to Project 2016 Essential Training. Microsoft Project is one of the most widely used project scheduling and management programs. I'll show you how to get up to speed with this powerful program and how to get the most out of it. We'll explore setting up all kinds of project tasks like work tasks, summary tasks, milestones, and recurring tasks. You'll see how to create different types of project resources and how to set up their cost and availability. I'll demonstrate how you link tasks together and assign resources to tasks to build a realistic project schedule. We'll examine other project features that help you evaluate your schedule and resource workloads to help you bring your project in on time and within budget. You'll also get to play with new features in Project 2016 like multiple timelines and the "tell me what you want to do" box. This course is a mix of movies recorded in Project 2013 and Project 2016. The techniques shown in this course will work in Project 2013 and 2016 except for multiple timelines and the "tell me what you want to do" box, which are new in Project 2016. Are you ready to get your projects into better shape? Great. Let's get right into Project 2016 Essential Training.
