From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Changing the settings for columns in a table

Changing the settings for columns in a table

From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

Changing the settings for columns in a table

- The columns in a table are amenable to displaying the text they contain in different ways. You can change the heading that appears, wrap the heading text to fit the column width, align the text, and more. So in this view, we're going to look at the Start column and see what we can do with column settings. To get to those settings, right click the column heading, and then choose Field Settings on the shortcut menu. So the first thing that you see in the Field Settings dialog box is that the Field name is in the first box, so you can actually change the Field in a column just by clicking the down arrow, and choosing the Field that you want, but in this case, we're going to leave it as Start. The other thing you can do is that initially, the column heading is the name of the Field, but you can make that anything you want by putting a Title in. So in this case, I'm going to call it Current Start, and if I click OK, you'll see that the new name appears in the heading. I'm going to open…
