From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Copying tasks from another program

Copying tasks from another program

- Many project team members use Outlook and Word, so you probably get task information from them in emails and word documents. Project and these Office programs play well together so you can easily copy and paste task information into Project. We'll take a look at this task list that's in Word. It's set up so the summary tasks are outdented, and they're in bold. The work tasks are indented, and they're just in regular text. There are a couple of milestones that have gray background shading. Well, it's really easy to copy and paste these from Word into Project. To do that, just select the tasks, and then on the Home tab, in the Clipboard section, click Copy. Well, now these tasks are on the clipboard so we can switch over to Project, and I've got this project that I want to copy these tasks into. I click the first blank task cell. Now on the Task tab, in its Clipboard section, click Paste and you can see the tasks just flow into the blank cells in this project. Sure enough, the work…
