From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Creating a material resource

Creating a material resource

- Material resources represent tangible items consumed by a project like packing boxes or cases of cider for the new office open house. Material Resources don't have a time component like Work resources so you fill in a few less fields. To create a Material Resource, go to the Resource Sheet. On the View tab, just click Resource Sheet. Then, go to the first blank resource name cell, and type in the name of the resource. In this case, cider. Then when I click the next cell, the type cell, Project automatically fills in "Work" but we want a Material Resource. So click the down-arrow and then choose "Material." You see a few fields go away. Well you can still fill in the Initials field. Project puts in the first letter, but that's not that helpful, so we'll type in the full name because "cider" is fairly short. You'll notice that Maximum Units, Overtime Rate, Base Calendar don't have any values and that's because a Material Resource doesn't have a time component. But Project does fill in…
