From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Creating an autoscheduled task

Creating an autoscheduled task

- Creating an auto scheduled task is simple. You set the task mode if necessary. Name the task, and fill in a few values. So let's create a new task in this schedule. Click a blank cell, type the task name, Move to new office. Let's set up as manually scheduled so I click the task mode cell, click the down arrow, and choose auto schedule. You can see the indicator changes. Now I've got a task bar in the time scale. You might wonder how Project figures out where to put the task in the time scale. Well this task is actually a subtask under the Walkthrough and repair summary task. So it uses the start date of the summary task. You'll also notice that the duration cell is filled in with one day with a question mark. Well that's the project's way of telling you that it put in an estimated duration and you need to put in your estimate for how long the task is going to take. So just click the cell, type in your estimated duration and press enter. And you can see that the question mark goes…
