From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Updating the schedule

Updating the schedule

- Updating your project schedule is crucial, but you have to be smart about collecting data and updating your project status. That way, team members aren't overburdened with status reporting, and you can update your schedule without spending too much time. The first thing to think about is what information you're going to use to update your project. If you're manually updating your project file, you really want to update tasks, not assignments, that way you have fewer things to update. It also helps to have a table set up with all the fields that you update. I'm going to apply a table that I created specifically for updating. On the view tab, click tables. You can see under the custom heading there's an updates table. I'm going to apply that. The first column after the task name is actual start. That makes sense, because when you start to update tasks, the very first thing you're going to put in is the actual start date. After that, the next two fields are actual duration, and…
