From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Navigating the Backstage view

Navigating the Backstage view

- The Backstage view has standard features for managing files, like New, Open, Save, Save As, Print, and Close. But you can do a lot more with it than that. When you first launch Project, you get Recent Projects on the left side of the screen, so if you want to open one, you can just click it, but on the right side of the screen, you see icons for creating new projects in different ways, like creating a Blank project, or a New one from an Excel Workbook. If you don't see the project you want in the Recent Projects list, you can click Open Other Projects. That'll let you browse through projects and even browse your entire computer to find the files that you want to open. So, in the list of the Recent Projects, if you point at a project that you want, you'll see that there's this pushpin on the right side. Well if you're working on a project for months, you want that project to always stay on this Recent Projects list. So the way you do that is to click the pushpin. When it turns to…
