From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Sorting tasks and resources

Sorting tasks and resources

- In Project, you can sort tasks, resources, and assignments in several ways to make them easier to search for. You might sort tasks by duration when you're looking for tasks to shorten or sort resources by their pay rates when you're trying to reduce cost. When you sort tasks, it's better to turn off the summary tasks. So to do that, click the Format tab and turn off Project Summary Task and Summary Tasks. And now you have all your work tasks in the project. So to sort these tasks, go back to the View tab and click Sort. You can see that there are several built-in sorts so let's sort by start date. And now you can see that the start dates go in chronological order. But if you have a cost-cutting initiative going on, you might wanna sort by costs. So go back to the Sort, choose By Cost. Have to drag over so we can see the Cost column and now you can see the cost goes from largest to smallest. If you wanna get the tasks back into their original order, on the Sort drop down menu, choose…
