From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Modifying text formatting

Modifying text formatting

- Text styles format different categories of text like row and column headings, text around task bars, or the text for critical tasks. You can change text formatting to make tables more readable or to emphasize specific tasks. You can also change the format for a single text string to make it stand out. So to format text styles, go to the format tab and on the left side choose text styles. Initially the text styles dialog box is set to change all text. So for example, if you want to leave your reading glasses at home, you can just change the font size to 12, and all the text will change to a larger size. But in this case, we're going to select a category. For example, milestone tasks. Then you see all the usual suspects: the font, the font style like italic or bold, and the size. So let's say we're going to change the milestones to italic, and we'll leave the size the way it is. The color box let's you change the color for text. So click the down arrow and choose a color. Keep in…
