From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Adjusting a work contour

Adjusting a work contour

- Project starts out assuming that resources work the same level every day, from task start to finish. But workloads can vary, like tasks that start slowly, ramp up to a full load, and then taper off at the end. In Project, you can apply work contours to resource assignments, to reflect how work really gets done. Work contours apply to auto scheduled tasks and the flat contour is the default. The best place to work with work contours is the Task Usage view. On the Task tab, click the bottom half of the Gantt Chart button and then choose 'Task Usage.' And you can see Tasks as well as Assignments. We're going to work with the Inventory office task, so I select the task and up on the Task tab, on the right side, I click 'Scroll to Task.' That way we can see the work hours for each day. You can see here that this task spans six days right now. Well, with work contours, they apply to assignments, so actually what we want to work with is the office manager assignment. So I select that cell…
