From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Creating a cost resource

Creating a cost resource

- The Cost Resource type is perfect for expenses that aren't based on time or quantity, like airfare, fees, or tuition. Unlike Work and Material Resources, you assign values when you assign Cost Resources to Tasks. That way, the cost for each assignment can differ, like different airfares for each trip, and you can track the total amount for each cost category separately. Cost Resources are the easiest ones to create, so let's go the Resource Sheet. On the View tab, click Resource Sheet. Then in the first blank Resource Name cell, type the name of the Cost Resource. In this case, permits. Then when I click the Type cell, Project fills in "work" but I can just click the down-arrow and then choose "Cost." You can see the only other two fields that are important are Initials and Accrue At. I'll type the name "Permit" in the Initials field, and prorated is fine so we're already done. That's all you have to fill in. With Cost Resources, you tell Project how much they cost when you assign…
